
5 Reasons Why Permanent Christmas Lights Are Worth It

5 Mind-Blowing Reasons Why Permanent Christmas Lights Are Actually Worth It In 2024

Have you ever heard of permanent Christmas lights? Okay, so I gotta tell you something funny – I was driving through the Heights last week and spotted THREE houses that still had their Christmas lights hanging crooked from last December. No shade though, because guess who spent literally ALL of last Sunday taking down their own lights? Me.

According to the folks at Red Shovel (who probably got tired of hearing stories like mine), most of us waste like 6-8 hours dealing with holiday lights every year. That’s basically an entire Sunday of Netflix and chill, gone! Or worse – time you could’ve spent arguing about which New Mexican restaurant actually has the best carne adovada.

No More Playing “Will This Be My Last Christmas?” on a Ladderpermanent-christmas-lights

Look, we’ve all been there. You’re up on that sketchy ladder that’s probably as old as Old Town, trying to reach that ONE spot under the vigas, while your spouse/kid/neighbor holds the ladder and pretends to be helpful. With permanent lights, you can:

  • Finally delete that urgent care number from your phone favorites
  • Stop pretending you’re not scared of heights (we all are, its fine)
  • Actually enjoy your weekends instead of untangling light strings that somehow got MORE tangled sitting in a box all year???

Permanent Christmas Lights Will Save You Cash (Eventually…)

Not gonna lie – the upfront cost made me choke on my green chile chicken soup. BUT WAIT! Here’s the thing – these bad boys use like 75% less energy than those old-school lights your grandpa swears by. Plus:

  • The electric bill doesn’t give you a heart attack anymore
  • The bulbs last basically forever (or at least 50,000 hours which might as well be forever)
  • You can control everything from your phone while watching football

Built Tougher Than Your Aunt’s Christmas Tamales

Y’all know how crazy our weather gets here – one minute its sunny, next minute there’s a haboob rolling through (yeah, I googled that word). These permanent lights are like the Chuck Norris of holiday decorations:

  • They laugh at those spring winds that knock over your patio furniture
  • Handle heat that makes La Llorona herself stay indoors
  • Keep shining through those random summer storms that come outta nowhere

These Babies Are Like a Mood Ring for Your House

I’m not even kidding – you can change these lights for literally ANY occasion:

  • Christmas? Duh
  • Halloween? You bet
  • That random Tuesday when you’re feeling fancy? Why not!
  • Your kids science project is due tomorrow and your working late? Red alert mode!

Makes Your House the One Everyone Talks About (In a Good Way!)

Not to brag, but my neighbor literally stopped speaking to me for a week after I got these installed cause his wife wouldn’t stop talking about them. These lights can bump up your homes value by like 3% – which is enough for a lot of Blake’s Lotaburgers, just saying.

Permanent Christmas Lights – Here’s What To Do Next

Listen, if your anything like me, your probably thinking “yeah this sounds cool but I’ll deal with it later” – DON’T BE LIKE OLD ME! The smart cookies over at Red Shovel can hook you up before the holiday crazy hits and install your Chrismtas lights for you. And trust me, you don’t wanna be that person calling them in December looking to get permanent Christmas lights hooked up when everyone and their chihuahua is trying to get lights installed.

Quick story – my cousin (who thinks he knows everything) tried to install permanent lights himself last year. Let’s just say there may or may not be a new hole in his roof that definitely shouldn’t be there… Don’t be like my cousin. Get the pros to do it right the first time! BTW – I did the math (okay, fine, I used my phones calculator) and these lights basically pay for themselves in like 3-5 years. Which is way faster than that gym membership we both know your not using.

P.S. – If your still reading this, your probably serious about upgrading your holiday light game. Do yourself a favor and get a quote before your spouse spends the money on another air fryer ya’ll dont need!