
Common Winter Lawn Pests and How to Get Rid of Them

The cold Albuquerque winters have an effect on lawn pests. Insects, burrowing animals, rodents and reptiles look for food, water, warmth and places to nest. As temperatures plummet, you may notice pest activity in your lawn, garden and home. If you see signs of pests, call the experts at Red Shovel Landscape Services to implement pest control strategies to prevent a dangerous infestation.

Common Winter Lawn Pests

There are several common winter yard pests in Albuquerque:

• Ants.
• Termites.
• Spiders, scorpions and centipedes.
• Snakes and other reptiles.
• Grubs and other destructive larvae.
• Burrowing animals, including gophers, rock squirrels, rats and mice.

Although all living creatures fill a niche in the ecosystem, some become pests when they threaten people and their living spaces. Some critters carry diseases. Others are host to fleas and ticks that pose health hazards. Pests are often attracted to the warmth and food of the indoor environment, shifting from the cold outdoors to your cozy living space. The licensed pest control specialists at Red Shovel Landscape Services are trained to identify and safely remove pests.


There are hundreds of ants species in New Mexico. Ants contribute to soil health by aerating and mixing components of subsurface earth. However, they can turn from garden assets to pests. Fire ants form colonies ranging from several hundred to thousands of individuals. When disturbed, they attack in numbers and can inflict multiple stings.


Termites build huge colonies underground and connect their nests to feeding places. You may notice disturbed earth, small mounds or clay tunnels near your home. Outside, termites feed on plant material, such as bark, dead tree limbs and leaves. However, if their subterranean passageways go into your home, they can cause extensive damage before you know they are there.

Spiders, Scorpions and Centipedes

These pests usually seek out places away from human activity. Spiders prefer dry, dark places. Centipedes nest in leaves, under rocks, in decaying humus or moist areas. Scorpions need warmth to survive. In the winter, scorpions may migrate from outdoor nests into your living space.


Snakes are common around Albuquerque. Although most are harmless, rattlesnakes and coral snakes are poisonous. Snakes like cool, dark places to nest, such as stacked wood piles, tall grass, shrubs and crawl spaces. You may see holes in your lawn that are entryways into their nests. Snakes feed on rodents and other small animals. Keeping rodents away removes a primary food source. Our pest control specialists know how to identify and remove snakes safely from your home.

Grubs and Larvae

Grubs and other larvae can significantly harm your yard. Grubs hatch below the surface of the soil and feed on grass roots. In the winter, they burrow into soil and remain dormant until spring, when they migrate back to the surface and again feed on grass roots. Signs of grubs include brown patches in the grass or turf patches that are easy to dislodge. Birds, skunks, raccoons or rodents scavenging on the grass may be feeding on grubs. Our pest control experts will identify the type of larva and provide an eradication plan.

Burrowing Animals

Albuquerque is home to gophers, rock squirrels and several types of rodents that may find your lawn an attractive place to winter over. If you see mounds of earth, animal droppings around your home or the actual critter, call immediately. Gophers can do extensive damage before you are aware they are there. Rock squirrels have fleas that carry bubonic plague. Rodents multiply quickly, spread diseases and are attractive food for other wildlife, including snakes.

Tell-Tale Signs of Lawn Pests

Signs of lawn pests include:

• Dry, brown or barren patches in turf.
• Ant and termite hills that suggest subterranean insect activity.
• Mounds of dirt from burrowing gophers or squirrels.
• Overturned trash cans or strewn rubbish that indicated raccoons or skunks.

If you have a pest problem, call the professionals at Red Shovel Landscape Services.

Our Pest Control Services

Keeping your lawn in good condition is the first step in controlling lawn pests. Weed control, seasonal tree trimming and regular lawn maintenance keep unwanted critters from nesting in your outdoor space. We have served residents in Albuquerque and nearby communities since 2004. We are a licensed landscaping contractor, offering an array of lawn care services to keep residential properties attractive, healthy and well cared for.

Our services focus on minimizing harm to our natural environment while keeping your property attractive, pest-free and safe. We use eco-friendly pest solutions whenever possible. When more robust treatment is needed, we use products approved by the Environmental Protection Agency.

Call today for a quote by phone, Zoom or in person. With our care, your lawn will winter over safely, providing a healthy, attractive outdoor space to enjoy when spring arrives.