
Lawn Care Sandia Park, NM

Lawn Care Albuquerque NM

We think your grass should be as gorgeous as a golf course.

Lawn Care Company Albuquerque NMThe Red Shovel Lawn Team is the best in Albuquerque, assembled and led by Scott Pilgreen, an Agronomist and Turf Scientist. Scott is also a former professional golf course Superintendent… (see where we’re going here?)

We use only golf course quality products to nurture your grass.

These eco-friendly fuels produce a stronger, healthier, greener lawn that your neighbors will envy.

And We figure if your lawn is as gorgeous as a golf course, you won’t have to work on it, so you’ll have more time to watch the kids run through the sprinkler, and you can walk around barefoot and do things like…wonder who to invite over to your outdoor barbecue.

Let us take care of it… for you. Our lawn specialist will keep your lawn lush, green and super healthy. We love this job!

Enjoy cutting your own grass? Great! We customize a plan that allows you to do as little, or as much, as you like.

“We had been having turf problems for years. Our grass would die in spots every summer, and no one could figure it out. I then called Scott Pilgreen an Agronomist and Turf Specialist with Red Shovel. He took soil and grass samples…and was able to treat and eliminate the issue. In addition, Ryan, Red Shovel’s Technician who applies the various lawn applications, is exceptional. He is knowledgeable, professional, friendly and very thorough. We should all be so lucky to have employees like Ryan.” Kirk Allen